
Maddy's adventures in China. Not sure China is ready for me.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Filling Time~

Count down is in full swing: 37 days and it feels so close yet sooooo (too) far.

I figured the best way to make my days go faster is to be busy...insanely busy. I've begun filling my schedule with stuff...anything and its begun to look like this:

(starting from last Monday, July 9th)
Monday: french lessons (yes, im sick of chinese)
Tuesday: dinner with friends
Wed: dinner with liz
Thursday: dinner again
Friday: dinner again
Saturday: spa/massage/jazz music
Sunday: 1pm lunch, nails, massage
Monday: Hong Kong
tuesday: dinner
wed: dinner
thursday: french
Friday: friend in from hk
saturday: out and about with friends to window of the world.
sunday: clothing and spa

I'm heading to Japan next week! yah! ultimate time filler.


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