
Maddy's adventures in China. Not sure China is ready for me.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Notes: Awesome! They just opened up an Ajisen around the corner from my place!! Yeah one more place besides the korean resturuant!!

Frozen bananas... seriously my favorite dessert..they taste like ice cream. Take bananas and freeze them, then cut the skin off with a butter knife..and enjoy! yummy!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I'm starting the packing process and I have a large problem..well not so much a 'problem' but its something.

My shoes...well...they just MULTIPLIED! I don't exactly know what happened...but all of a sudden I find that I have a TON of fab foot adornments. I'm not sure how to I got so many...

The problem isn't the quantity (they are all so gorg!!)...but how am I going to get them all home?! I tried a first run by putting them in my 'large' suitcase and they already filled HALF the space!!

Oy vay, what a dilemma.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Filling Time~

Count down is in full swing: 37 days and it feels so close yet sooooo (too) far.

I figured the best way to make my days go faster is to be busy...insanely busy. I've begun filling my schedule with stuff...anything and its begun to look like this:

(starting from last Monday, July 9th)
Monday: french lessons (yes, im sick of chinese)
Tuesday: dinner with friends
Wed: dinner with liz
Thursday: dinner again
Friday: dinner again
Saturday: spa/massage/jazz music
Sunday: 1pm lunch, nails, massage
Monday: Hong Kong
tuesday: dinner
wed: dinner
thursday: french
Friday: friend in from hk
saturday: out and about with friends to window of the world.
sunday: clothing and spa

I'm heading to Japan next week! yah! ultimate time filler.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hey all,

Check out Jeff's photos from our trip (and his trip before we met in Thailand).

Monday, July 09, 2007

Nap time-

During the middle of the day, everyone takes a 'nap'. Its much like kindergarten where the teacher would turn off the lights and tell everyone to sleep. Here, from 12-1.30, everyone stops working, eats and lunch and passes out in various positions and places. As I was walking up the stairs, I found a girl sprawled out across several steps. Park benches? Forget, its like battle royal-only the survivor gets the stretch of wood. But the winner today goes to this construction worker…

Friday, July 06, 2007

HA! I've learned a new trick.

I mentioned before that Chinese people LOVE to stare at me. Before, I would get annoyed or angry, but I've learned a new trick! It is sooo much fun! Basically, since its perfectly OK to stare, when they stare me, I stare back, but then I look at their shirt and furrow my brow so as to make them think they've spilled something on it! They look down to check themselves out, and then I laugh to myself. When they look at me again and see that I'm giggling at them, they usually stop eyeballing me!

I'm so brilliant!


Sunday, July 01, 2007

And the answers I give
and then the answers I want to give.

Ex-pats, the moment a Chinese person discovers you speak Mandarin, ALWAYS ask the same questions. At first I welcomed the interest and pure curiosity, but after while, I've become annoyed with the same old song and dance. Can't people come up with interested questions?

So here they are; frequently asked questions (Q), along with the answers I give (A), and the answers I would love to give (T) but don't.

Q: You speak Chinese?
A: yes
T: No, I don't speak Chinese; I just communicated through my telepathic powers.

Q: How long have you been in China?
A: 10 months
T: Too long

Q: Wow, 10 months!? How did your Chinese get so good?
A: I studied at University.
T: I'm brilliant, obviously.

Q: Do you like China?
A: yes, it has its good points
T: Yes, it has its good points, but its bad points really suck.

Q: What country are you from?
A: America
T: I'm from Shenzhen-can't you tell I'm Chinese?

Q: Do you like Chinese food?
A: Yes
T: No, the MSG gets me sick all the time.

Q: Do you have a boyfriend?
A: Yes,
T: It’s none of your business.

Q: Is your boyfriend Chinese?
A: No, he's American
T: Again, its none of your business.

Q: Don't you like Chinese boys? You should date a Chinese guy too, your boyfriend will never know.
A: I like my boyfriend-one is enough.
T: um, cheating on my boyfriend is not something I would ever do, so stop asking me stupid questions about my personal life.

Q: How much money do you make?
A: I don't understand your question. (Feigning language barrier)
T: A lot for China, it’s none of your business.

Q: When do return to the states?
A: 2 months.
T: not soon enough.