
Maddy's adventures in China. Not sure China is ready for me.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Random tidbits~

I spent the entire day in HK...its a refreshing change from China-Mainland. I had to attend a trade show (which I love) but getting there took 3 hours, my g-d, what a friggin hassle. Normally you are supposed to get to trade shows when they first open, but coming from Shenzhen and having budgeted 3 days to see the entire exhibit, I 'took my time.' I got up at 7, left my house by 7.50, took the 8.30 ferry, arrived in Kowloon by 9.30, and by taking two metros, and bus later, I arrived at the trade show by 11.30. Luckily I planned to attend this show over 3 days...I finished the entire thing in 4 hours. It was a small and unknown show that was almost entirely void of attendees and housed crappy products. I did find some jems, so it was not a total wash. I then made it back to central for a little post-holiday shopping (due to yoga and my nasty cooking, I've managed to lean out a little bit so I need a few wardrobe-sprusser-uppers that actually fit). I then went to the local grocery shop and picked up some treats unavailable in mainland (naam, hummus, corn). I then met up with a college friend for din-din and then made my way home~

(I think I saw Orlando Bloom walking around HK today, but I could be crazy)

Despite being put off by living in China, I do have a feeling of mainland pride and was happy to return 'home'.

Cuz's and friendz

It seems that two of my cousins (one on my dad's and one on my mom's) might be venturing out east...along with several friends...Please peeps! come and visit!!!


I am officially subject to HK taxes, approx 9% on my total income, don't be jealous because I live in china.


As usual work is going well, but I'm in a Take-Charge mode and have decided to build up my department (which, at the moment, consists of only me) by writing a business model and time and action chart for goals and deadlines.

24 on 24

I turn 24 on the 24th of Jan! Whaaa?!?!?! since when did I get to 24?!!
I am in the midst of planning SEVERAL parties...i'm too fabulous for just one.


Just read Kiterunner, excellent book-they are filming a movie about Afghanistan here in china...should be interesting. Am now reading Mansfield Park by J. Austin (love the classics)
Arlene~ if you have any books that you have finished, think I should read and don't mind me borrowing (I promise to return them), please send them with Jeff (and yes, I think I will have to send my presents for the family with Jeff when he returns to NY).

Ok, its past my bedtime!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cuisions?? i know you're a terrible speller, but when did my maddy get THIS bad?? i think what you meant was 'cousins'. CUISIONS?? wtf?

10:58 PM  

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