
Maddy's adventures in China. Not sure China is ready for me.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ok, I did it. I had my hair straightened and it looks and feels awesome!!! At first, I was completely freaked out: would my hair fall out? why am I at someone's house (was an in-house operation-fully legit with Chinese papers and all). the girl doesn't speak English or Chinese (only Japanese), what do I do? What the hell?!?!?!

However, despite my fears of being bald and having a total communication breakdown, I went through with it. I would never do it in the states because its a whopping $500+ and I would never go to a random Chinese barber (I would def be bald then!), but here I was, at a Japanese barber who was fully trained to use the stuff-who better to get Japanese straightening done then by Japanese people?

4 grueling hours later...

Bam!!! My hair is not only sleek and gloriously straight, but its soft and healthy!!! I'll post pics soon.


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