
Maddy's adventures in China. Not sure China is ready for me.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Global Nomadism

I am, at this point in my life, what you would call a global nomad. All my worldly possessions are either in my head or what I can carry easily in a suitcase. I hate the idea of being tied down by furniture or anything else that hinders my need to explore. I, like all global nomads, have this insatiable curiosity about the world. We have this need to simply ‘check it out.’ ‘It’ embodying everything besides what we are doing at that very second. Being a global nomad is exciting, fun, and culturally enriching. There is nothing like moving around the world, seeing countries and ways of life different from everything you know.

I was not always this way. For a long time in my short life I was content to stay where I was and not scrape the globe looking for experiences. My mentality changed about 1 year ago when I realized that I couldn’t let life pass me by without seeing all there is to see. My mundane routine became unbearable and that ‘itch’ to travel and discover the world became too strong to ignore.

Global Nomadism is not as easy as it sounds; just as I discovered this deep rooted need to leave, the rest of life seemed to fall into place. Being in New York City, with my friends and boyfriend was the most enjoyable, and entertaining few months. Moving to China was incredibly difficult. I questioned if everything I was leaving would still be there when I got back. However, I rationalized, at 23, if I don’t travel now, I don’t know when I will. I didn’t have the career I was looking for and the ‘itch’ was overwhelming…and so I did it. I took the risk of leaving everything I knew. I sold all my furniture, shipped my remaining items to my parent’s house, and moved into a suitcase- a very tumultuous way of life. I drifted between NYC, my boyfriend’s apartment, Europe, Chicago, Cape Cod, NYC again and then finally to China.

Despite its difficulties, global nomadism is a miraculous way of life-one that I am glad to experience. It is fulfilling, thrilling, interesting, fun, and challenging. It is freedom- beautifully pure and an unconditional freedom. You are who you want to be where ever that is in the world. Nations and cultures become exotic dishes- there for the tasting. You have no schedule and your only restraints are self-inflicted. We are the gypsies of the world…and I have never been more alive than I am now.

I am now ‘settled’ in China-though I’m not sure that’s what you could call it. I refuse to move into this apartment. I will only buy the necessities because when I move back home-yes, NYC is my home-or travel to another destination, I won’t be bringing anything with me (save for the shoes). Whatever I can't squeeze into my suitcase, gets left behind without a second thought.

And so you see before you, the necessities of my global nomadism- a travel clock, an MP3 player with travel speakers, some kind of scented candle, a pack of matches, and a picture of me and Jeff. You won’t find anything else that remotely defines my dwelling as home. I am here temporarily-even if it means a year or so.


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