have you ever tried to explain Thanksgiving in Chinese!? Well I did today...It came out like a garbled monologue of: you know the indians from india but american-before the white people from England came, there were people, Indian-Americans that were not white-they were farmers and the white people tried to build relationships the 'indian'-americans and they ate dinner and said thanks..alot...very important holiday in
I don't think I really want to explain the blank, confused stares I got from my coworkers. They nodded in fake understanding (though the baffled expressions were quite apparent) and I left the dialogue muttering something about 'important American holiday.'
Anyway, family and friends-I will, in the standard Maddy-way, be attending two parties back to back stuffing myself on turnery, cranberries, and any other thanksgivingy food that can be found in china.
Oh and total side note-met a girl from France that plays Tarot (my fav card game ever). We are having din din tomorrow night-will report more soon.
In February, my husband and the other Americans he works with took the day off to watch the Superbowl. When he was telling some of his employees that he would be out that day, one of them wished him a Happy Superbowl, because he understood it was a Great American Holiday.
Then about three weeks ago I had a Chinese girl ask me how I prepared for that importnat American holiday of Kwanzaa. That was fun to explain.
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