
Maddy's adventures in China. Not sure China is ready for me.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

a little complainin'

As you all know, I pretty much love everything about my phat pad in China...however, there are two things I want to bitch about.

1) The motion sensor light. The hallway leading up to my door is very dark and I usually spend about 10 minutes fishing for my keys. Once I find my treasure, I blindly poke at the key hole until, out of frustration, I stick my noses next to door and use my cell phone as a flashlight. It is only after I put my key in and am in the process of turning it, does the stupid motion sensor light go on...and yes, I have tried to doing the 'motion' sensor dance. It is ONLY after I turn the key. All this wouldn't be so annoying if it weren't for my second pet peeve.

2) My neighbor has the three disgusting smelling dogs. This girl, her boyfriend and three dogs (two cockerspaniels and a lab pup) live in this really small apartment next door...and during the weekends and late at nights, they leave the front door open. This would be fine because I love dogs...except when the 'dirty-dog' smell comes wafting down the hall in the hot, stale air and slaps me in the face. It is so bad, I usually have to hold my breath during the 'motion-sensor' fiasco. However, you all know I can't hold my breath for 10 mins so I usually huff and puff in shallow breaths until I make it into the sweet smelling air of my own home. In addition, the dogs are poorly trained and ALWAYS bark like crazy whenever I walk past. Ug!

Ok, I'm done.


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