
Maddy's adventures in China. Not sure China is ready for me.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

St. Patty's Day-

All is status quo on the China home front. Jeff and I have settled into a routine more or less---
working, running, cooking/going out, and watching random TV shows (we just finished season 1 of 24 and I want those hours of my life back it became so stupid!!) .

St. Patty's day in China is the same as what you would expect in the states...a bunch of people cramming into the local Irish pubs covered in green with Guinesses in hand. Being in Shenzhen does not make us an exception to this standard.

You will notice the hack job to my head...well, its not that bad. I decided that it was time for a little shape and a trim (the hint was that the ends of my hair were breaking off at the slightest tug). Being the daring, adventurous creature that I am, I went to the local salon armed with a picture pulled from a magazine. 25 minutes later, the mop on my head did not resemble the stunning woman in the photo, but it is cute and fun none the less. The mod-80's style is somewhat standard in this part of the world. Although it almost looks like a wig, i'm glad for the change.

Thursday is one year for Jeff and I (though we didn't label ourselves officially together until April-Mayish...but who's counting?)


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